Hej fellow Juggers,
with Australia, Ireland, Costa Rica and Spain the post-apocalyptic fun of Hunting A Dog Skull is spreading over the world! [See here] for world-wide training locations (Google Maps).
On this website, you will find lots of informations on
- what this is all about; on
- Jugger teams worldwide;
- free download of the first book ever written about this crazy sport;
- on myself, the author of aforesaid book, who introduced Jugger to Sweden, maker of the Uhus Jugger Tutorials series on YouTube and founder/administrator of the international blog; but also feel free to roam through the
- download area - that is still in German, but the documents on pomfey/spars making, training etc. are fully illustrated and often quite self-explaining.
If you founded a new Jugger team, I would be most grateful if you would drop me a note! Also, see The International Jugger Blog, where representatives of Jugger countries may set up an editor's account and post topics.
Recent international news:
$num_items = 3;
$rss = fetch_rss('http://www.juggerblog.net/index.php?/feeds/index.rss2');$items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $num_items);
/* echo "
- "; */
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$href = $item['link'];
$title = $item['title'];
echo "";
/* echo "